Category: trademark

Ain’t Dere No More

New Orleans is full of old companies and brand names that simply ain’t dere no more. Can someone besides the original company make the old brand come back? Sometimes, the answer is yes, other times, the answer is no. It’s

Louisiana State Trademark Registration

Louisiana law permits businesses to register trademarks with the Louisiana Secretary of State; and, in fact, many businesses do so, thinking that a Louisiana trademark registration provides them with substantive rights. Unfortunately, they are wrong. You see, a trademark is

What is the difference between patents, copyrights, and trademarks?

What’s the difference between a patent, a copyright, and a trademark? Well, there’s the short answer and there’s the long answer. The Short answer is that trademarks protect brand names, copyrights protect artistic expression, and patents protect new ideas. For

Why a Brand is Important

I’m not an audiophile, but this video describes exactly why a good brand is valuable. Despite the fact that other products out there are better, many people aren’t audiophiles and don’t have the time to figure out which pair of